Meals and Snacks Included
No need to pack
a lunch
As the Mom of four kids I know how busy mornings can be (and let's be honest-who wants to take time to empty, wash and refill lunch kits after a long day? We decided to include 2 snacks and lunch because we want to make your life a little easier so you can enjoy more time with your family.
We even provide reusable water bottles for each child (washed daily).
Let's cook together!
Preparing, cooking and baking food is a great way to expose children to new food and flavours. Older children will have opportunities to participate in food prep and/or baking on a weekly basis while our littlest friends are napping.
Fresh from the garden
Children will have the opportunity to help plant, look after, harvest and eat fresh fruits and vegetables from our own garden. Our home is surrounded by farms offering fresh blueberries, apples, cherries, and eggs within easy walking distance.